Monday, January 18, 2010

Whas Up?

Well, since you asked...

Sandee and I have two dogs, as most of you know. The golden retriever, Tahoe, is eleven; and the German shepherd-mix, Cody (not to be confused with my new grandson), is twelve. Recently, we have noticed some swelling under Tahoe's jaw. The vet put him on antibiotics for the infection. Last week, on Tuesday, we noticed that he had lost his eyesight. His eyes were half full of blood. Being very sharp about these things, I determined that this probably was not normal. So, back to the vet we went.

After running tests, he determined that Tahoe has cancer that seems to be pretty far along. His eyesight seems to come partially back for brief periods but then goes away again. It's sad to watch him bump into things and get lost under a desk, etc.

When I stand on one side of a piece of furniture and call him to me, with his tail wagging, he runs right into the furniture. To see if he learned anything, I do it again with the same results. Being scientific, I realize that this test has to be run several times - all to my disappointment and with nose marks on my furniture. He has now convinced me that he is not faking it just to get attention.

(Just kidding!!!)

On to another sad picture for you to imagine -

Yesterday, I ran in my 8th half marathon. It was the 5th time I ran the Rock-and-Roll race in Phoenix. For some reason (and I am sure it has nothing to do with conditioning) my times seem to get a little slower each time.

Not having the longest of legs or the most athletic abilities, you can imagine this 59.8 year old guy running the 13.1 mile course. For some reason, each and every time I go do this, I have the belief that this time my time will be faster, my legs stronger, my stride longer, and the wind at my back. Well, the weather was good - not to hot or too cold and no wind.

Six years ago, when I ran my first half marathon, I had no idea what would be a decent time as I had no exposure to any such thing. So, I trained hard and ended up at 1:53. That was not bad for someone who was 53, in their first race, and clueless. In that run, I beat 82% of all runners. Realizing that I had found my path to fame and fortune, I decided to do it again the next year - 1:58. The next year - 2:03. The fourth year I missed while building the house. The following year - 2:10. Last year I got sick and missed. Now - 2:13. I don't know how the fame part will end up, but so far, no fortune. Who says that age does not take it's toll?

Having some sore and tired legs this morning, I have to remind myself that this is "good for me". And, yes, I do plan on doing it again. Next year I will be in the next age bracket and my competition will only be similar old farts.

1 comment:

  1. dad, so sorry about Tahoe. That picture makes me sad. I wish I could have said goodbye to him. We have had some great dogs in our lives, haven't we?
    As for your half marathon, don't be discouraged. Try being 29 and unable to run a mile (I'm assuming that's me). Now, that's depressing.
