Sunday, October 11, 2009

Modern Day Columbus Day

(This is the third of three postings having to do with Columbus Day. It might make more sense to read them in order written - third, second, first as posted on this blog.)

What is being taught in schools, now, about Columbus? How do the children celebrate the day? I remember coloring papers with a ship drawn on it. I remember being told how this brave man fought to convince the Queen to sponsor a voyage across the Atlantic. I remember being taught that Christopher Columbus discovered America. I was told that he almost had a mutiny because his crews thought they might fall off of the edge of the world, but he convinced them to go a little further.

What is being taught today:

In the kindergarten class taught by Jeff Kolowith in Tampa, Florida; the kids were told about how Columbus did not know where he was and that he was "very, very mean, very bossy."

Some schools no longer celebrate Columbus Day - Miami, Dallas, Los Angeles and Seattle.

According to a news story by AOL, "(M)any teachers are trying to present a more balanced perspective...and the suffering of indigenous populations."

According to James Dracht (Texas A&M College), you do not hear terms like "Columbus discovered America". Why? "Because how could he discover America if there were already people living here?"

I do not remember ever being taught that no one was here prior to Columbus or that he was the first human to touch American soil. No one ever said that or meant that and that is not what is meant by discovering America. I would expect that these same people who are rewriting our history have no trouble crediting Leif Ericson for the discovery of America (see next blog). Anything and anyone but what we have been taught. They have to tear down the man!

The AOL story, "In Texas, students start learning in the fifth grade about the 'Columbian Exchange' - which consisted not only of gold, crops and goods shipped back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean, but diseases carried by settlers that decimated native populations."

Let me see if I understand this teaching, correctly. The Europeans, mainly Columbus, schemed and carried out a plan to rape America of all of its goods in exchange for giving them diseases.

Again in the AOL story, a school in McDonald, PA had fourth-graders put Columbus on trial and charged him with "misrepresenting the Spanish crown and thievery." The ten-year-olds found him guilty and sentenced him to life in prison.

Let me see if I understand this correctly. A bunch of kids came up with this lesson plan all on their own without some teacher directing them in this attack on American history. These kids decided, without the mis-direction of the teacher, to charge Columbus with crimes.

A lady in Florida ran a survey of teachers to examine what materials were used to teach about Columbus. She concluded that many were "inaccurate - and sometimes outright demeaning - depictions of the native Taino population."

Let me see if I understand this correctly. Is it Columbus Day or Taino Day?

Again, from AOL - the same Kracht from Texas A&M, "The indigenous population was kind of waiting expectantly, almost with smiles on their faces. 'I wonder what his guy is bringing us?' Well, he's bringing us smallpox, for one thing, and none of us are going to live very long." He says that our multiculturalism has led more to study the cruelties suffered by the Taino people.

A New Jersey school forced some students to stand in a cafeteria and not be allowed to eat while others teased and intimidated the ones standing. This was so they would better understand the suffering that the people endured because of Columbus.

Remember, these are the same teachers who find reason to praise men like Castro.

Our history is being rewritten by the left-wing, radical, liberal wackos. Since these same people are now in control of much of the public education system in the America founded by Columbus, they are indoctrinating the next generation to be anti-America.

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