Friday, December 18, 2009

War Journal - Dec. 18, 1944

This was the only hanger left standing when the Germans left. We had movies in it until they built a theater.

Had the life scared out of me today. The Germans broke thru our lines on the 9th Army Front so it was compulsory for some accurate bombing to be done. Weather was terrible - so we were briefed to go in at 1500 ft. As it turned out - we could not leave the ground until this afternoon and it was possible to bomb from 12,000 ft in safety. Bombed the town of Dreiborn a couple of miles from the last target we had. This was my second mission with the big shots around here. Flew with a Colonel today from Group in lead ship. No flak or fighters.
(The Battle of the Bulge began on 12/16/1944. It was Germany's last attempt to stop the allied advance. This enemy attack concentrated on the area of France just to the east of where Dad's air field was located.)

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