Friday, February 12, 2010

War Journal - Feb. 13, 1945

88 mm flak damage.
Direct hit by a burst of flak in the nose - Johnny Strange received a purple heart for this.

On Feb 13 we pulled our 15th mission & it was suppose to be a rough one with our deepest penetration of any B-26. It was to Iserlohn, Germany about 50 miles east of Dusseldorf. We were in Germany more than two hours with the whole mission over 4 1/2 hours. It was a very easy mission actually with light Flak & no fighters as expected. Our generators were bad all the way - our Gee Box out part of the time - and one prop locked at 2400 on the bomb run. We did a lot of sweating getting out of Germany and was nearly out of gas when we reached France again. Made an emergency landing on an advanced fighter strip 11 miles from Metz near a small town of Jarny. Stayed in Jarny that night and had to get a new prop motor sent over from our field. Purchased me a German Mauser rifle for 1000f from one of the guys.

(This journal entry was actually the first part of the 2/15 entry. Since it was dated, I have posted it on that date.)

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